Friday, December 23, 2005

Christ and Christmas in Denmark

Church buildings are an important aspect of the landscape of Denmark. They are found everywhere in the large cities and in hundreds of small towns and villages. The churches of the Danish State church (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark) predominate. Increasingly, however, "free churches" of several denominations are to be seen as well and God is working through them in powerful ways. In spite of the country's large number of church buildings, it is a well-established fact that the number of Danish citizens who attend church regularly is pitifully small, some say as few as five to eight percent of the population. However, for many Danes church attendance on Christmas Eve is part of the country's time-honored Yuletide traditions and they will flock to the churches in great numbers. Sadly, these same people may not darken the door of a church at any other time throughout the year. Christmas should be a time to reinforce the meaning of the incarnation of Jesus Christ and the Gospel story that calls men and women to repentance and a living faith in Jesus Christ as Son of God and Savior. Reaffirmation of the virgin birth of Christ and His journey toward Calvary should be the supreme and overriding consideration of this period of celebration. The editor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church's email publication, Church News, has recently emphasized the importance of an overall biblical perspective on the birth of Christ in his literal translation of a hymn by the Danish poet N. F. S. Gruntvig:

In the midnight he was born,
sun's and moon's Creator.
He who owns the whole wide world
finds a stable only.
He who high above the skies
walks among the stars
now is put in swaddling clothes.
He will at the day of doom
speak with words of thunder!
Listen...hear a baby crying.

PRAY that the Spirit of God will breathe new life and vibrancy into Danish Christmas celebrations and the the people of this wonderful country will come to personal faith and trust in Christ and uncompromising commitment to Him.

PRAY that Danish preachers will be so overcome and empowered with the meaning of Christ's incarnation and Saviorhood that Christmas services will be transformed into powerful evangelistic proclamations of the truth of the Gospel.

PRAY that influences that have contributed to deadening secularization in Denmark will be routed and that Christ the Savior born in Bethlehem's manger and crucified on Calvary's cross will have primacy in the country's life and culture.

To all who join with us in prayer on behalf of evangelism, revival/renewal, and church planting in Denmark, we wish you a Joyous and Christ-honoring celebration of the birth of Christ and a New Year filled with God's extravagant grace and blessings. Let us continue to pray fervently for the working of God's Spirit in awakening the Danish people to the claims of Jesus Christ on their lives. Glædelig Jul og Godt Nytår!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Follow-Up on the Danish Global Leadership Conference

As our faithful prayer partners are aware, Ruth Cilwik Andersen is the leader of Willow Creek Church's ministry in Denmark, called Willow Creek Danmark (Denmark). We appreciate Ruth's follow-up messages about the outstanding results of the September 30-October 1 Danish Global Leadership Conference for which prayer was requested in our August 24 posting. "We are so amazed and thankful," she writes. The organizers are convinced that the conference has produced some remarkable and long-lasting results for the Lord's work in Denmark. Conference attendees were genuinely touched and moved by the truth of the Word of God and encouraged to continue ministering with boldness and love. There were 450 attendees and 100 volunteers at the conference. God answered the prayer concerns as the needs for almost split-second timing in the audio-visual area went well and without interruptions (some of the presentations were viewed via DVDs from the earlier Chicago Global Leadership Conference); Allis Helleland and Helge Standal were outstanding in their "live" presentations; and, there was a very satisfactory sale of relevant books, CDs, and DVDs which help extend the impact of the gathering. Ruth says further, "We really think that the conference has been God's gift to our country and the leadership of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in Denmark. Willow Creek Denmark now faces some crucial decisions and planning for its ongoing work as reflected in the prayer requests listed below. National meetings such as this recent Danish Global Leadership Conference require the use of considerable resources and continued funding.

PRAISE God that the Danish Global Leadership Conference was a successful faith-venture for the Danish Willow Creek Committee that with continued prayer and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit will lead to revival and renewal and an increased thrust of evangelism and church planting throughout Denmark.

PRAY for the discovery of new people willing to join the board of Willow Creek Danmark. What is needed are godly believers who have the right character, gifts and abilities, and above all genuine commitment to Willow Creek's spiritual goals and ministries for a serious and effective work for God.

PRAY that God will provide new sources of funding for the work of Willow Creek Danmark. Income from the recent Conference did not reach the needed level, so the need is very urgent.

PRAY that God will lay it on the hearts of believers and churches to offer financial support for the work of Willow Creek Danmark and willingness to become involved in it in other ways as well.

PRAY for Ruth Cilwik Andersen's all but overwhelming leadership role for someone who at present is employed for only two days a week. Other workers are urgently needed but can be employed only if and when God provides the needed resources.

PRAY that the Lord will by His grace give special grace and encouragement these days to Ruth and to the members of the Willow Creek Danmark official board who feel their responsibilities so keenly.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Spreading the Word of God in Denmark

A copy of the Bible may be found in many Danish households, but for many if not most Danes the Bible is a a neglected book, an artifact with little or no relevance or meaning for life today. Very few Danes appear to have even an elementary idea of the basic theme and message of the Bible and less of an idea of how to conform their lives to its message. The first complete Danish translation of the Bible appeared in 1550. An updated translation of the Bible, published by the Danish Bible Society (Det Danske Bibelselskab) in 1992, replaced a previous version of the Old Testament (1931) and the New Testament (1948). Work on a translation in contemporary Danish was begun in 2001. The Danish Bible Society (, located in Copenhagen, was formed in 1814. Scripture distribution in 2004 consisted of 38,964 complete Bibles; 37,739 New Testaments; and 1,442 portions. The reevangelization of Denmark, the Holy Spirit's work of church renewal and nationwide revival, as well as new church planting efforts hinge on dynamic, Spirit-filled preaching and teaching of the Word of God that gets the Bible off of dusty shelves, out cupboards and attics, and into the hearts and minds of Danish men, women, and children. "For the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart" (Hebrews 4:12, NIV). Can there be any doubt that a renewed focus on fearless, relevant-to-life, true-to-the-Word expository teaching and preaching would revolutionize the work of the Gospel in Denmark.

Johannesevangeliet 3:16: "For således elskede Gud verden, at han gav sin enbårne søn, for at enhver, som tror på ham, ikke skal fortabes, men have evigt liv." (John 3:16)

PRAISE God that the Bible is available in an acceptable Danish translation as well as in Greenlandic and Faroese.

that Danes who hunger for truth and a personal relationship with God will be led by the Holy Spirit to pick up the Bible and read it daily (Psalm 1; Joshua 1:8).

that as Danes read the Bible the Holy Spirit will wake them up with concern about their spiritual state and eternal d
estiny, calling them to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (2 Chronicles 34; John 3:16).

that believers and unbelievers alike would come to recognize the value and meaning of the Bible for everyday life (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

for the success of the Danish Bible Society's efforts to encourage Danes in daily Bible reading.

for those th
roughout Denmark who are truly committed to Spirit-empowered, Bible-based, and life-changing teaching and preaching.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Christian Radio in Denmark

Twenty-four hour Christian radio every day of the week, as it is known in the U.S. and other countries, is not an option at present in Denmark. This does not mean, however, that Christian broadcasts are not available throughout the country. Most of the air-time for Christian radio emanates from low-power "lokalradio/nærradio"" studios that transmit only a few hours a day, among them Arkens radio, Esbjerg; Helsingør Kristne Radio; Københavns Nærradio; LUMI-radio, Bornholm; LUMI-radio, Nordvestsjælland; LUMI-radio Syd; LUMI-radio, Aalborg; Norea Radio, Haderslev; Kristne Lokalradio/Lumi Radio, Århus; and Radio Adalen. LUMI-radio is an important project in the evangelistic and renewal outreach of the Luthersk Missionsforening. Per and Kirsten Nielsen work with a small radio station (actually two small stations) in Copenhagen under the banner of UCB Denmark, affiliated with the charismatic UCB Europe network. Currently, the Nielsens' UCB Denmark station is on the air from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and from 9:00 p.m. to midnight. They are now working full-time in Christian radio, but they are not satisfied with reaching Copenhagen alone. They want eventually to be able to reach all corners of Denmark. They hope soon to be able to cover the whole of Sjælland. The Nielsens are people with a vision for what Christian radio can accomplish, a long-range vision that aims for a license for the very first national 24/7 Christian radio for Denmark. On the air in a number of locales in Denmark is the Bible-teaching program, Vejen gennem Bibelen, a version in Danish of J. Vernon McGee's Through the Bible broadcast that has long been aired by stations in North America and now has an international outreach in 84 languages. Vejen gennem Bibelen is a series of 2,267 13-minute broadcasts covering all 66 books of the Bible. The first 395 broadcasts are the work of Lektor Jens Olsen, while the rest were completed during the years 1994 to 2001 by J&oslashrgen Olsen. Pray for Denmark will attempt in future postings to stay on top of developments in Danish Christian radio. Bible teaching through the media supports this website's vision for evangelism, revival/renewal, and church planting throughout the country.

PRAY for the opening of greater opportunities for Christian broadcasting in Denmark that will contribute to and support evangelism, revival/renewal in all of the churches, and result in the strategic planting of new evangelical churches.

PRAY for Per and Kirsten Nielsen and their work of "telling the story of Jesus" through UCB radio in Copenhagen and for God's direction in pursuing and funding their vision for 24-hour Christian broadcasting reaching all of Denmark.

PRAY for the Holy Spirit's empowerment through the life-changing outreach of Vejen gennem Bibelen broadcasts that so ably provide sound teaching to help believers comprehend the unity of the Word of God and His saving purpose for all of mankind through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Danish Global Leadership Summit, September 30 - October 1

Willow Creek Denmark Coordinator Ruth Cilwik Andersen informs us that the Global Leadership Summit will be held September 30-October 1 at the Kristne Kulturcenter in Copenhagen. The main speakers from the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit, held this month in Chicago, will appear on a big screen in DVD format. In addition to the televised presentations from Chicago, the Copenhagen Summit will have two "live" speakers, Allis Helleland and Helge Standal. Three hundred leaders coming from ten different Danish denominational groupings have already registered for the Copenhagen Summit, though the organizers are praying that all 800 seats in the venue will be filled. The purpose of the Summit is to focus in on the local church's potential for positive change. Those of us at Pray for Denmark believe strongly that the Copenhagen Global Leadership Summit can help equip local church leaders for the needed thrust of evangelism, revival/renewal, and new church planting throughout the country.

PRAY that all 800 seats of the Copenhagen Kristne Kulturcenter will be filled with church leaders who earnestly desire to experience the quiet working of the Spirit of God during this significant Summit conference.

PRAY that the guest speakers will arrive safely and remain healthy and fully attuned spiritually so that they can make an optimal contribution as God's Holy Spirit moves hearts and places His unmistakable mark on this important Summit.

PRAY for the worship and drama teams and the dancers as they make their creative contributions to the gathering.

PRAY that there will be no glitches in the highly complicated technical aspects of the Summit. Coordinator Andersen remarks that it is crucial for all of the highly technical audio-visual equipment to work properly "on the split second" throughout the various sessions.

PRAY that there will be transcendent moments during the gathering when everyone present will know and realize for certain that God is present and moving in the hearts of leaders.

PRAY that each individual leader in attendance will be open to the work of God in their lives, and that the Spirit of God would impress upon their hearts and minds exactly what they need to hear and know to provide the kind of leadership the church of Jesus Christ needs and deserves.

PRAY for the Willow Creek Denmark Steering Committee. Coordinator Andersen states that "We need to make a lot of decisions for the future and therefore need tremendous wisdom, a good and operative network, and adequate financial support."

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

New Church Started in Nyborg

Kirken Odense Vækkelscenter (Odense Revival Center), affiliated with the Apostolic Church of Denmark, has for the past five years had a vision for starting new churches on the island of Fyn. The Odense church (
has now taken its first step in church planting. It all began as the result of evangelistic meetings held by evangelist Torben Søndergaard last March and April at Medborger Hus, Nørrevoldgade, in Nyborg. At the last of the services there were 60 in attendance, of whom 40 were visitors. "We couldn't even think of leaving these folks on their own," said Andreas Jørgensen, of the the Odense Vækkelscenter, "so, we decided to drive down to Nyborg every Sunday after our own service in Odense to have a service for these folks." Evangelist Søndergaard's meetings were so well attended that it seemed essential to begin weekly services in Nyborg. The first service of the Nyborg Free Church (Nyborg Frikirke) took place on Sunday, May 22 with 15 persons attending. Services are now being held every Sunday afternoon at 15.00 hrs. (3:00 p.m.), except the second Sunday of the month when there is a joint service with the Odense church. Andreas and Lene Jørgensen, who pastor the Odense Vækkelscenter, will also assume responsibility of pastoral oversight for the new Nyborg Frikirke that for now will be under the wing of the Odense church. For those unfamiliar with the geography of Denmark, the island and province of Fyn is found between Sjælland to the east and Jutland to the west. Odense is situated in the very middle of Fyn and Nyborg southeast of Odense on the island's east side. This report is based on an item that appeared recently in Domino, the new Christian lifestyle magazine published by FrikirkeNet, a network of Danish Pentecostal, Baptist, Apostolic, independent, and house churches (

PRAY that the new Nyborg Frikirke will rapidly develop into a contagious, growing fellowship of believers empowered by the Holy Spirit for attractive and effective witness to townspeople.

PRAY that the new church will in its infancy attract those in the Nyborg who are truly craving for something real to fill the spiritual vacuum in their lives that we know can only be filled by a personal experience of faith in Jesus Christ.

PRAY that like Vækkelscenter, other free church congregations throughout Denmark will be awakened to the need for planting new churches.

PRAY for health, strength and fruitful results for Andreas and Lene Jørgensen as they minister for Christ in Odense and Nyborg.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Pray for Tove Videbæk

The European Evangelical Union has appointed Danish evangelical Tove Videbæk as its representative to the various institutions of the European Union. Tove was a member of the Danish National Parliament for the past seven years before assuming her new post on June 1. Before that she had a career that included church ministries and leadership in Christian media. Her role as the EEA representative in Brussels will be "to help strengthen the future of European culture, around historically agreed Christian social and ethical values." Tove and her husband Mogens served for 20 years as pastors of Pentecostal churches in Denmark. Subsequently, she has had held significant positions of leadership in Danish Christian TV and media. During the past year and half Tove has been a member of the board of Kulturcenteret, a large independent Pentecostal church in Copenhagen. Her seven years in the Danish Parliament found her struggling for legislation relative to Christian lifestyle, Christian families, children, and the poor. She also made attempts to prevent the medical industry from making use of embryonic stem cells. Tove does not think that evangelicalism in Europe is dead, though it is common knowledge that cultural Christianity and secularism are problems for Denmark and other European countries. As a committed evangelical, she says, "I have been struggling in church. I have been struggling in media. And I have been struggling in Parliament. So, I feel like the little fish going up the stream, very alive. And I feel that the evangelicals of Europe are like this fish." She believes that evangelicals are learning and willing to learn. Several churches in Denmark and elsewhere in Europe have participated in recent days in "40 Days of Purpose" with Saddleback's Rick Warren and are also learning from the Willow Creek model. (This report has been developed from information gathered from Christianity Today and from the European Evangelical Alliance website.)

PRAY for Tove Videbæk as she attempts to build strong relationships and communication with Christian politicians in Brussels so that they will dare to stand for what they claim to believe.

PRAY for the several prayer meetings being held around Brussels where Tove can meet Christian politicians and pray together with them for Europe.

PRAY that Tove will be able to work in the power of the Holy Spirit in fulfilling her task of making sure that the voice of evangelicals in Denmark and all of Europe is heard by the various governing bodies of the European Union.

PRAY that Danish and other European evangelicals will recognize the implications of disappointing European Union decisions that only too often ignore or disregard issues of Christian faith and ethics.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Roskilde Vineyard Church News and Prayer Needs

Solvej and David Allen, who minister at Roskilde Vineyard Christian Fellowship, need our prayers. Solvej writes the following:

"At the end of June we will be targeting the Roskilde Festival for "Servant Evangelism" and distribution of hundreds of copies of the Street Bible (the whole of the New Testament text is in the middle and garnished with real-life testimonies and poetry at the front and back, making it easier for young people to read through the entire New Testament) in Danish, Swedish and German. It is estimated that 90,000 young people from all over Europe attend this Woodstock-type gathering. So far it looks as though just our church will be doing the outreach together with the Bible for the Nations team from Sweden, but we are hoping that other churches will come alongside us. We will also be offering free boot washes if it is rainy and muddy, and handing out cold juice tetrapacks if the weather is hot. It should be fun, but we need all the prayer we can get. [Note: We at Roskilde Vineyard are the Servant Evangelism 'freaks', an evangelistic strategy that we developed and have been working with ever since we planted the church. "Bible for the Nations" is a Swedish mission organization that prints and distributes New Testaments to different target groups. The Roskilde Festival will be the first time the Swedish group has become involved in our Servant Evangelism strategy.]

"The last several months have been scary for us as both Dave and I suddenly found ourselves without secular employment. God came through just as we were going from severance pay to the much lower unemployment insurance, and the church is not yet able to provide us with financial support (we are already supporting our young worship pastor on a part-time basis). The only jobs we could get were full-time for both of us, unfortunately, so pastoring and working full time is going to be tricky. Thus far I (Solvej) have only worked part-time and have been able to do a lot of the daily ministry to people. We have had some good families come alongside us and we no longer have to do everything on our own, so we are thankful to God.

"But we are of good courage. A few people are getting saved through our bimonthly servant evangelism outreaches, and my little meticulously kept log book shows that our attendance is up 40% over last spring. That's not a very statistically valid percentage when we are still below 50, but we are optimists!

"Prayer makes such a tangible difference, and I am grateful also that God has sent a lady to our fellowship with a call to minister through intercessory prayer. We have great prayer times together. I don't mind making coffee and dragging chairs and doing a lot of the other stuff, but through prayer it is so important to have that spiritual power, as David of old, to 'slay ten thousand' (1 Sam. 18:7)! " Roskilde Vineyard home page:

PRAY that during the Roskilde Festival to be held at the end of this month the joint evangelistic outreach and distribution of The Street Bible by the Roskilde Vineyard Christian Fellowship and the Swedish Bible for the Nations team will be the means of introducing many young people to Jesus Christ.

PRAY for more churches to join forces during the Festival outreach with the Roskilde Vineyard and the Swedish Bible for the Nations team.

PRAY that the Lord will help David and Solvej Allen prioritize right up until the time is right for one of them to cut back on their secular employment. They want to be good shepherds of the flock and expand their tentposts of ministry, but at the same time need to support themselves by "making tents" (as did the Apostle Paul).

PRAY for the new house group that is starting this fall in the university dorm where the Allens have been washing windows and where a couple of people have come to faith in Christ.

PRAY also for the Roskilde Vineyard's youth house group under the leadership of Adam, the Allen's 18-year-old son. Adam is also substituting for the worship pastor and his wife who are going through the experience of having their first baby. Adam and two other 18-year-olds will be renting the whole middle floor apartment of the Allens' large home so they can form a good "hang-out" base for the youth group.

PRAISE God for the coming to the Roskilde Vineyard of a lady who's focus of ministry is intercessory prayer.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Calvary Chapel Scandinavian Conference 2005

The Calvary Chapel fellowship in Denmark has asked that visitors to Pray for pray especially for preparations being made for the 2005 Scandinavian Conference and ministry workshops in Malmo, Sweden, August 11-14. The conference theme this year is Serving God in a Post-Christian Europe. This is an annual conference of fellowship, edification, and motivation for ministry. The annual conference gathers people from all over the world, but is especially geared to those from Denmark, Norway, and Sweden that have ties to the work of Calvary Chapel. One of the main speakers at this year's conference will be Pastor Pierre Petrignani from Calvary Chapel in Nice, France. In 1992, Pierre decided to return to France with his wife, Nancy, to plant a Calvary Chapel ministry in his hometown of Nice in Southern France. Pierre had lived for some years in Seattle, Washington, where he came to faith in Jesus Christ. For the last 13 years, he has experienced both the "ups and downs," the joys and struggles, of a new church plant as he has ministered to his European countrymen. The second guest is a Scot, Pastor Peter Will, from the Calvary Chapel in Hanover, Germany. He has served in Germany for a number of years and will be able to share some of his experiences in going to another European country to plant a new church. Pastor Kent Akerlund, of Malmo's Calvary Chapel will also be teaching at the conference and possibly, if his schedule and obligations permit, Pastor David Guzik from the Calvary Chapel Bible College in Siegen, Germany. For further information, visit the following websites: and

PRAY for the pastor and people of the host church, Calvary Chapel of Malmo, as they plan and prepare for hosting the August 11-14 conference.

PRAY for a good attendance and participation and that the Lord Jesus will use this conference to draw each attendee even closer to Him in commitment and usefulness in ministry.

PRAY that the ministry of the speakers, Pastors Pierre Petrignani, Peter Will, and Kent Akerlund, will make the conference a high point in attendees' spiritual growth and motivation for ministry.

PRAY that the Spirit of the Lord will inspire and call those whom He wishes to use for work in Scandinavia (including, of course, Denmark), giving everyone ears to hear His calling and hearts to obey.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Global Day of Prayer on Pentecost Sunday, May 15

Believers worldwide are joining in a Global Day of Prayer this Sunday, May 15, to build a canopy of prayer over all the continents. A statement from the movement's webpage states, "Over the past five years a vision was born and is being realized that is and has been the blessing of millions of people and whole continents. This dream has been the hope of many, including the prophets, and is now being joined with a critical mass and modern technology to bless the whole earth. Certainly, this story represents a call and a movement of God. Soon the whole earth will be affected." Visit the movement's website: where full information and a manual may be found in many languages of the world, including English and Danish. Though we do not have the details, the movement is spreading to Denmark and we understand observance of the day is scheduled at least in Copenhagen. We urge all visitors to this Pray for page to participate in the Global Day of Prayer this Sunday, May 15.

PRAY that believers and churches throughout Denmark will be alerted to the Global Day of Prayer and become a part of this significant and very powerful worldwide effort.

PRAY that the prayers of God's people on this Global Day of Prayer will truly contribute to the building of a veritable canopy of prayer over all the continents and nations, including Denmark.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Peet Bekker's Prayerwalk Report

To read South African friend Peet Bekker's "Feedback" report on his recent prayerwalk around the Jutland "Spearhead" between Hirtshals and Frederikshavn, visit his website at the following Internet address:

This unique prayerwalk was obviously a very moving spiritual experience for Peet personally and we continue to believe for coming spiritual victories in Denmark. God's continued best, dear brother! Pray that God will continue to show Peet what His will may be for further spiritual involvements on behalf of Denmark and the Danish people.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Ungdom med Opgave (YWAM Denmark)

Founded in 1960, Youth With a Mission (YWAM) has become one of the largest international and interdenominational mission organizations in the world. With a staff of 11,000 at work in 900 locations and 140 countries, YWAM is a multifaceted ministry-driven mission with a pioneering spirit. It has a magnificent, creative approach to getting the gospel of Christ out to the world using means and methods more traditional missions have been reluctant to utilize. The extent of YWAM's ministries boggles the mind. For example, Bill recently participated in a short-term mission project with the seniors from the church he attends at Gleanings for the Hungry in Sultana, California. Gleanings is a YWAM food-processing base that with the help of many volunteers prepares and sends tons of sun-dried fruit and dried soup mix for missionary distribution to the poor and needy in 40 different countries. Everywhere it works, YWAM uses an astonishing array of family, training, and mercy ministries along with its focal approaches in evangelization and soul-winning. YWAM (Ungdom med Opgave in Danish) first came to Denmark in 1972 in a work pioneered by Bente and Leon Have Thomsen. YWAM Denmark's mission statement reads: "To communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ in a relevant way to all areas of society--in Denmark and abroad." The central office for Ungdom med Opgave is at Sjellebro, Randervej 195, 8544-Morke, Denmark, located a few miles souteast of the city of Randers in Jutland. For further information about YWAM International and Ungdom med Opgave on the Internet, visit the following webpages: and .

PRAY for the current Ungdom med Opgave staff, including base director Christen Lundager, his wife Merete, Lisbeth and Henrik Thomsen, Anette and Martin Leegaard, Jan Mortensen, Monika Wyss, Rua Lii, Gorm Kroeger, and Marianne and Hans Olesen.

PRAY for the leadership and teachers participating in the Den Gyldne Alders Lejr (Golden Age Camp) for those over age 50 that is scheduled this month, May 26-29, and two family camps coming in July: Sjellebro Family Camp, July 2-8 and Fjellerup Family Camp, July 9-16. PRAY too for other camps and outreaches that are planned for later in the year.

PRAY for a genuine work of the Spirit in each camper attending one of these camps, whether believer or unbeliever, and for the Lord Jesus to be exalted and the Word of God presented clearly. PRAY especially for the salvation of those who have yet to confess Christ as Savior and Lord.

PRAY that the Lord will direct those He is leading to attend the Discipleship Training School that begins at Sjellebro on September 5 and concludes on February 17, 2006. DTS is a six-month program, required of all who join the staff of YWAM, a curriculum that provides six months of intensive teaching on how to live a radical life for Jesus Christ, followed by a three-month outreach somewhere in the world. YWAM has separate DTS programs for those of ages 18-25 and for those over age 25.

PRAY that God will call men and women to fill a number of service opportunities available at YWAM Denmark and that He will lay it on the hearts of His people to provide needed prayer and financial support for all of its staff and varied ministries.

PRAY that the dynamic evangelistic and ministries vision of Danish YWAM, Ungdom med Opgave, will strongly influence churches throughout Denmark and serve as a model for what Spirit-led and committed believers can do in reaching Denmark for Christ.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Friday, April 22 Prayerwalk Email from Peet Bekker

Our South African friend Peet Bekker began his Afrowalk prayerwalk at Hirtshals on Wednesday and sent the following email today from Skagen, Denmark (the city at the extreme northern tip, the "Spearhead" of Jutland):

"Man, how the Lord loves this country and its peoples. This day I have been walking in Skagen and Grenen. The Lord just impressed in me how He loves this country and its people and how He eagerly waits for them to turn to Him.

"Here is the simple prayer that He impressed on my heart this day in Skagen. It is simple yet powerful:

"Lord I praise You
"Lord I worship You
"I love You Jesus"

"How He longs to hear this country pray this, and how He will respond in amazing ways when the people turn to Him in this way.

"The Lord is blessing me in my personal life and leading me to pray so many different prayers over this area as well as over the whole of Denmark as I go . . .

"Be blessed and we will speak again.

/s/ "Peet"

Peet is at the half-way mark with his goal to be in Frederikshaven on Sunday. Continue to walk alongside him with your prayers in this spiritually powerful prayerwalk on behalf of the people of Denmark. The same prayer requests as cited in the previous postings below remain valid and the focus of our prayers for this dear and earnest brother in Christ. Truly, "Prayer changes things!"

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Peet Bekker's Prayerwalk Getting Closer

South African citizen Peet Bekker is to begin his "Afrowalk" prayerwalk from Hirtshals to Frederikshaven next Wednesday. Peet has already left South Africa for Scandinavia, first caring for some business interests before beginning the prayerwalk next week. He is a distance runner and writes that he could easily make the intended route in much shorter time than he has planned. But, he wants to take his time in walking so that there will be sufficient opportunity to pray and to talk with those the Lord may bring across his path. He is excited about the possibilities that may come his way during the prayerwalk. We do not know at this point if he will be able during the prayerwalk to contact Pray for Denmark via email, but if that becomes possible we will post further information as Peet provides it. This is an unusual approach to spiritual ministry that may have untold results for the kinds of things Pray for Denmark has been asking you to pray about for over a year. May God bless Denmark in a powerful way through the devotion and burden Peet has for Denmark. It would be wonderful to see God work in this particular manner to open up this wonderful country to a New Reformation of faith and spiritual power. To those who regularly utilize the Pray for Denmark prayer requests, we urge you to continue to use the prayer requests listed on the previous posting below and to even redouble your prayer efforts on this good Christian brother's behalf. Let's walk alongside Peet with our prayers and blessing.

Thursday, March 31, 2005

AFROWALK Comes to Denmark, April 20-24

A Christian brother from South Africa recently contacted Pray for Denmark to express appreciation for the website: "I am so glad I found your website. It just gives me a bit of a better insight of Denmark . . . I just wanted to say thanks for putting information up on the web and tell you how it inspires me." Peet also told us of how the Lord has led him to make a prayer walk at the very northern tip of Jutland (Jylland). He calls the tip the "Spearhead" as the land area in northern Jutland comes to a sharp point. Peet has experienced a number of prayer walks in South Africa and has named this spiritual activity AFROWALK. Now the Lord is leading him to extend his prayer walking to Denmark. He will be making a business trip from South Africa to Scandinavia toward the end of April and is planning to take an additional five days to do a 90 kilometer AFROWALK around the shoreline of the Jutland "Spearhead" beginning on the west side at Hirtshals on Wednesday, April 20 and concluding on the east side at Frederikshavn on Sunday, April 24. In between are 16 other towns or villages. Learn more about Peet's prayer walk in Denmark at the following web address: and let's support his prayer ministry with our own prayers. Peet asks, "Why do this?" and in answer describes his prayer walking in this fashion: "I know that once I smelled the air, tasted the water, felt the wind and seen the people, I will have so much more compassion and be able to pray with all my heart. Walking in an area helps to see the way God sees it and better understand the things to be prayed for. I will also be there in person to deliver God's messages of hope and inspiration to people that are in need of it right there and at that specific moment in time . . . I have an excitement in my heart for Denmark. I believe the Lord wants to bless this country. If these words stir your heart in any way, please pray for Denmark too."

PRAY that the Lord will go before to guide and direct in even the minutest details of Peet's preparations for arrival at Hirtshals on April 20, including travel, weather, financial needs, spiritual readiness and, of course, our prayer support.

PRAY that there will be those receptive persons Peet may encounter along the way between Hirtshals and Frederikshavn who have spiritual needs the Holy Spirit can minister to through him.

PRAY that Peet's person and witness for Christ will be attractive to Danes so that they will not shun him thinking of him as a cultist.

PRAY that Peet's AFROWALK around the Jutland "Spearhead" will prove to be a dynamic spiritual spearhead for evangelism, revival/renewal, and church planting throughout the whole of Denmark in the months and years ahead.

PRAY that Peet's prayer walking ministry will attract Danes to know the Risen Christ in all His fulness, to walk upright in the Spirit and be guided by the Spirit, and to follow a lifestyle of walking in the footsteps of Jesus.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed!

A crucified Savior--dead, buried and laid in a borrowed tomb. But, death could neither conquer nor hold Him, and three days later our Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead just as He had said He would. There would not be a world-wide church today were it not for the truth of the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. So, Christians throughout the world will gather on Sunday morning, March 27, to celebrate the resurrection and to worship a Living Christ. Many nominal adherents, those who usually are not to be found in the gatherings of faithful believers week after week, will come out on that day if only for tradition's sake or as the in thing to do. In Denmark, as in every country of Western Europe and Scandinavia, churches that usually have but a handful of the faithful in attendance will be filled, and some to overflowing, on Easter Sunday. Nominal Christianity is a curse upon any land. Nominal believers in any country need to feel the touch of flaming re-evangelism as the Holy Spirit brings men and women to a firm and unwavering commitment to Jesus Christ. This is why we pray for evangelism, church renewal/revival, and the planting of new churches throughout Denmark. For that to occur, pastors need to experience personal revival and an anointing to preach the Truth of the finished, saving work of Christ as attested to and confirmed in His resurrection. "He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification" (Romans 4:25, NIV). Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!

PRAY that Danes who are unbelievers, or at best nominal believers, will be brought face to face with the Risen Christ and the truth claims of the Good News this Easter Sunday.

PRAY that Danish pastors in both the majority State churches and the minority free churches will not merely involve themselves in festive Easter liturgies and pious homilies, but will be empowered by God's Spirit to proclaim an unadulterated Gospel that calls for a commitment of repentance and personal faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

PRAY that Danes will come to recognize that Danish free churches are not religious cults, as is widely and falsely believed, but that they are churches holding firmly to the historic, orthodox Christian faith, teaching and preaching the Word of God as their only rule of faith and practice.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

A Letter to Friends of Pray for

Dear Friends:

It will soon be a year since the Pray for website was launched. Brad and I are both evangelical Christians with Danish ancestry who felt the Lord's leading to undertake this support project for His work in Denmark. Though we are both active members of strong evangelical churches, we work independently of them and are not compensated for our efforts. We are not sponsored by any church or mission organization and have no designs whatever for setting up a church or ministry of our own in Denmark. We do not solicit contributions, and do not attempt to generate funds for the expenses inherent in getting the Pray for Denmark website online. We believe we have succeeded in maintaining a broad evangelical perspective on this web page. A glance at the prayer requests posted over the months demonstrates that we have exercised concern for the varied aspects of evangelical work in Denmark through the churches and organizations we have highlighted.

We are so delighted to consistently have nearly 30 "hits" a day on average. Brad has done a fantastic job in publicizing the website, especially in newspapers in towns and area of the United States were there is a considerable population of those of Danish ancestry. We are constantly on the lookout for ways and means of getting the website before people who know the Lord and are willing to share our burden of prayer for heightened evangelism, revival/renewal, and church planting in Denmark. In the end, it is "not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord."

We have been greatly encouraged throughout the year with the responses Pray for Denmark has received from individuals in several different countries. We have even been able to put travelers in contact with evangelical churches in several locations in Denmark. It is gratifying to have had relatively few "crank" letters and only a couple of irrelevant emails from believers in other countries with another agenda. Because of our unique focus we have not responded to messages that are not in some manner related specifically to the needs of the Lord's work in Denmark.

So, how are we doing? We would love to hear from you with your comments about the website and even ideas of how we could improve or how we could make the ministry more effective.

Abundant blessings to all who have expressed interest and concern for the Lord's work in Denmark.

Bill Hunter
Brad Haugaard

PRAY for the Lord's continuing blessing and direction for Pray for's unique ministry of prayer support for the work and workers in Denmark.

PRAY for an increasing number of visitors to the website who will make themselves known to us and will covenant with us to pray for a resurgence of evangelism, revival/renewal, and church planting in Denmark.

PRAY for Danish pastors and churches experiencing discouragement and who need the encouragement of knowing that there are those committed to praying earnestly for them. Many of the free churches are small and struggling to find effective ways and means of reaching their local areas with the truth of the gospel of grace and salvation in Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Willow Creek Denmark

The Chicago area's Willow Creek Church is a mega-church that has effectively introduced a new seeker-sensitive model for "doing church." The seeker-sensitive, breaking-out-of-the-mold model continues to be enormously influential in traditional churches and in new church plants throughout the United States. It has also been well-received in many nations through the efforts of Willow Creek International. For instance, there are well-developed Willow Creek Associations in both Norway and Sweden with Willow Creek Denmark not far behind in its organization. The intent of Willow Creek is not to establish a new denomination. Rather, as a parachurch organization it serves many churches and denominations through seminars and training in newer approaches for reaching unbelievers as well as helping new believers grow in their understanding of the faith and living out a Christian lifestyle. Willow Creek Denmark emphasizes networking, small groups, leadership training, "Promiseland" methods in children's work, creative church services based on the newer seeker-sensitive model, and "contagious faith" discipling concepts. The past several years it has sponsored a number of well-attended and very successful seminars and conferences in Denmark. Willow Creek Denmark shares offices in Frederiksberg with the Danish Lausanne Group. Members of the cooperating Danish Lausanne Group's Steering Committee include Lars Kristensen and Torben Østermark of Friluftsmission, Karsten Amby of Indre Mission, Claus Kristensen of the Folkekirke, Søren Marcussen of Pinsekirken, and Peter Kofoed Herbst of Kronjyllands Valgmenighed. Ruth Cilwik Andersen is the National Coordinator for Willow Creek Denmark. Relevant websites include and

PRAY for Ruth Cilwik Andersen as she administers the office in Frederiksberg and prepares for forthcoming seminars and conferences. She has heavy responsibilities in coordination of marketing, resources, seminars and travel arrangements.

PRAY that the Willow Creek seminars to be given by Greg Bowman (April 12-13) and Joe Horness (April 29-30) will be well-attended and meet the specific spiritual and ministry needs of all the participants and that through them the Spirit of God will breathe new life and hope into churches all over Denmark.

PRAISE the Lord for such volunteers as Preben Brohus, Karen Krogh Christensen, Svenn Strangberg, Jørgen Meyer, Vibeke Frandsen, Gitte Pedersen, Jens Skov, and Kai Ellergaard who are involved in a specific area of responsibility or are working generally with Willow Creek seminars and conferences. PRAY that the Lord will move in the hearts of other volunteers to assist in the work.

PRAISE the Lord for the translation in Danish of the Willow Creek Network Manual and the final polishing of the translation of Bill Donahue's Leading Life-Changing Small Groups that is expected to be published and marketed beginning next month.

PRAY especially for a great outpouring of God's blessing on the work of Willow Creek Denmark as it contributes to the country's overwhelming need for life-changing evangelism, personal and church revival/renewal, and increased church planting efforts.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Seminar on Islam

Aglow Denmark has asked our Pray for Denmark constituency to be in prayer for a seminar about Islam that it plans to sponsor next month. The seminar is scheduled to take place beginning Friday evening, March 11 and continuing through Saturday evening, March 12. Regula Moor, Aglow Denmark's Prayer Coordinator, says that the organization would like as many of its local boards and members as possible to attend this important seminar. "We have it on our hearts to reach out to Muslim women in our country," says Moor. The seminar is also open to pastors and others who may have an interest in learning more about the beliefs and practices of Islam compared to those of the Christian faith as well as the Gospel challenge involved for ministry amongst Muslims. Aglow Denmark's national leader is Inger Porsen.

PRAY for the seminar presenter who is coming to Denmark from overseas.

PRAY for the presenter's travels, her health, her spiritual empowerment and protection, and her physical strength and stamina.

PRAY that there will be many Aglow boards and members as well as other evangelical believers in Denmark who will take advantage of this very important educational and training seminar.

PRAY for openness on the part of all participants to the material that will be presented at the seminar and that they will view it as a training and equipping opportunity for effective cross-cultural Christian witness and ministry.

Friday, January 28, 2005


Founded in 1943, Youth for Christ International is an interdenominational para-church organization committed to the promotion of the Christian faith and a Christian lifestyle in a way that is attractive and relevant for the youth of the 131 different countries in which it is now working. The first full-time employee of YFC was Dr. Billy Graham, the renown evangelist. The activities of YFC have a spiritual as well as social focus but its overall thrust is that young people will come to know and trust Christ in a personal way and demonstrate the reality of their faith through a biblically-rooted lifestyle. YFC Denmark was established in 1974 and has been reaching youth throughout the country in many ways, including worship events, training of Danish Christian artists, short-term mission teams, interdenominational teenage and youth leaders conferences, evangelistic events, and by taking international bands and national speakers into schools and high schools. The work of YFC Denmark is done in cooperation with local churches, clubs, and local YFC groups. The organization has approximately 1650 members and leaders. As a member of of Dansk Ungdoms Fællrsrå (Danish Youth Council), YFC Denmark has contact with about 15,000 youth annually. The national offices of YFC Denmark are located in Århus. The National Director of YFC is Leif Johanson. Websites: and

PRAY for open doors to broaden the ministry of YFC Denmark throughout the country.

PRAY for continued attendance and growth of the YFC Mannafest concert events and YFC RockSolid Clubs and the transformation of Danish young peoples' lives as a result of these evangelistic and teaching activities.

PRAY that God will empower YFC Denmark to train an increasing number of qualified youth leaders.

PRAY that YFC Denmark will be able to impact the lives of 20,000 more young people through work in the schools, networking with local churches, and facilitating follow-up.

PRAY that YFC Denmark will continue to see an increase in the number partnerships it has with local churches throughout the country.

PRAY for wisdom in strategy and planning for National Director Leif Johanson and the national board that gives oversight to YFC Denmark's social and evangelistic outreach ministries.

Friday, January 14, 2005

"Frikirkenet" Has Become a Reality

Many of the frikirker (i.e., non-state churches), including Apostolic, Baptist, Pentecostal denominations, and a number of independent churches from throughout Denmark, have joined together recently to form their own media organization. One decision of Frikirkenet (Free Church Network), the name of the new organization, is publication of a monthly magazine called Domino, and the creation of an auxiliary website, For the most part the free churches have not received a great deal of notice in the Danish press. Frikirkenet media strategy will provide news releases concerning the free churches to the press and seek overall to make the work of the Lord even more visible in the country. Amongst themselves, the churches have not had especially effective inter-church communication and do not always have a good idea of what each other is doing. As one Copenhagen pastor, Calvary Chapel's Theis Brøgger, noted, "It's rare that we really hear about what God is doing through other churches, so this is a great idea." Poul Kirke has been named editor-in-chief of Frikirkenet with Svend Løbner as news editor and webmaster. Heidi Jensen has been designated editorial secretary and will be responsible for the publication of the new Frikirkenet magazine, Domino. Pray for Denmark salutes this new venture and calls on believers world-wide to support it with their prayers. May God use it for His glory and for the progress of the Gospel of Christ in every corner of the Danish kingdom.

PRAY that the media strategies initiated by Frikirkenet, especially the news magazine Domino, will contribute to the furtherance of unity amongst the various denominations and churches and keep the Danish public better informed about their work.

PRAY that the Lord will give great grace, skill and wisdom to Poul Kirke, Svend Løbner, and Heidi Jensen as they pursue their editorial and media responsibilities on behalf of Frikirkenet's participating churches.

PRAY that the founding of Frikirkenet will enhance rather than detract from the churches' crucial emphases on evangelism, revival/renewal, and church planting.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Danish Tsunami Victims

We have read reports in the Danish press indicating that there were seven Danes who died as a result of the recent East Asia earthquake and tsunami with 62 still feared missing. We understand that Copenhagen Police finalized these figures today.

PRAY for the families in Denmark of those who perished in the tsunami and are grieving the loss of their loved ones.

PRAY that Danish churches will be able to provide effective pastoral care for these families as well as for survivors and their families.

PRAY that survivors of the tsunami will realize how fragile is the cord of life and because of it come to trust Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.

PRAY that Danish churches will find effective means to show solidarity and convey practical help to fellow believers in the countries devastated by the tsunami that has been described by many as being of "biblical proportions."

PRAY for the health, safety and well-being of Danish missionaries as well as Danish members of humanitarian organizations who are assisting with relief and rehabilitation efforts in the affected countries.

PRAY that this disaster will prod Danish believers and churches as never before to see the need of and increase their efforts toward world evangelization.