In His love and grace,
Bill and Brad
I am very delighted to hear about your ministry of encouraging people to pray for Denmark.
Our island, Funen, has for many decades been known as one of the 'dark spots' in Denmark in terms of active churchgoers.
But we believe and pray that God will change this. A year ago there was a lady from our church that took the initiative and started a prayer group of prayer-willing people in our region. Now we meet [with] 15-20 people from different denominations for prayer every month, and in-between we are connected in pairs, promising to pray for one another. We pray especially for one another to be faithful in the prayer items God has asked us to keep praying for. In our monthly prayer meetings we share what God has done and what to continue praying for. Many of us can witness to God's help in many situations.
I share this with you to say that what you do for the Lord is most valuable. Please keep on praying and pray also for our specific part of Denmark.
PRAISE God for the more than a century and a half of Kristuskirken's history of unsverving loyalty to the gospel of Christ and for its unquestioned influence on all the free churches in Denmark.
PRAISE God for the vision of Pastor Emeritus Ove Vang Jensen and the congregation of Kristuskirken in establishing English-speaking work that has led to the formation of the independent and autonomous First International Baptist Church of Copenhagen.
PRAY for a strong evangelistic outreach by strategically placed FIBC and for the discovery of effective means of making its message and ministry known to English-speaking internationals in the Copenhagen metropolitan area.
PRAY that the Lord will bring to FIBC a much-needed keyboardist to relieve the pastor of his current dual roles of musician and preacher.
PRAY that FIBC's congregation will continue to grow numerically but also in knowledge and obedience to the Word of God, commitment to evangelism, and the training of leaders.
PRAY that the Lord will bless and encourage the ministry of Pastor Michael Jensen and give the congregation and leadership of Kristuskirken's Danish congregation a breakthrough in a vision for new avenues of evangelism and ministry.
PRAY for the development and growth of the Yugoslavian, Romanian, and Spanish-language ministries at Kristuskirken and wisdom on the part of those responsible for leading them.
PRAY for Jan Kornholt, General Secretary of the Danish Baptist Union, as he leads with spiritual oversight, vision and counsel for pastors and churches.
PRAY that older and larger Baptist churches in Denmark's key cities will give even greater priority in their outreach and financial support on behalf of evangelism and the planting of new churches.
PRAY that pastors in smaller churches who may be discouraged and under-supported will persevere in their calling and begin to see greater fruit from their faithful service for Christ.
PRAY that Danish Baptists will militate against compromise with the nation's overwhelming secularism and that the Holy Spirit will help them discover the most effective ways to reach Danes individually and impact Danish culture with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
PRAY that God would move among pastors and churches in a powerful, penetrating, and unifying spiritual revival greater than Danish Baptists have ever known at any time during their 157-year history