I would like to encourage those throughout the world who regularly or even occasionally view this Pray for Denmark.com website to check the Global Day of Prayer international website for information on their country's gatherings this year and to become a part of this Christ-honoring prayer movement. See www.globaldayofprayer.com/) for further information. It will take awhile for the idea of the Global Day of Prayer to ignite the hearts and actions of Danish believers, but it is beginning to happen under the leadership of volunteer coordinator Kirsten Nielsen of Copenhagen.
In Denmark, at least three major public gatherings will be held on Pentecost Sunday, May 27, 2007: at Rådhuspladsen in Copenhagen; at Rådhuspladsen in Århus, and at Signalbakken in Aalborg. Details (in Danish) may be found on the Internet at www.globaldayofprayer.dk. We understand that thirteen local churches in Aalborg have banded together to participate in the Global Day of Prayer. May there be similar unity and participation all over Denmark.
The church I and my family attend here in California will also be participating in the Global Day of Prayer on May 27. The church’s large choir and orchestra will be singing Tommy Walker’s hauntingly beautiful and heart-searching contemporary anthem, Calling Out to You, picking up the theme of 2 Chronicles 7:14 in these words:
“Lord, You have told us;
Lord, you have promised,
That if Your people will pray,
That if Your people will pray,
You will hear from heaven
And you will send Your mercy,
And you will send Your mercy,
And touch us with your strong, healing hand.
So, we’re calling out to You, crying out to You,
Forgive us of our sins and heal our land.
As we seek Your holy face
So, we’re calling out to You, crying out to You,
Forgive us of our sins and heal our land.
As we seek Your holy face
And turn from all our wicked ways,
Hear from heaven even now,
Hear from heaven even now,
Hear from heaven even now.”
It is especially important in these troubled and dangerous times that God’s people come together in repentance and prayer for the glory of Christ and the healing of the nations. The formula for genuine revival has remained ever the same from Old Testament times to our present day: “If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).
PRAY that Danish believers, pastors and churches will gladly and enthusiastically unite with their counterparts worldwide in massive, passionate repentance and intercession on the Global Day of Prayer, Pentecost Sunday, May 27.
PRAY for Spirit-empowered vision, ability, and wisdom for volunteer coordinator Kirsten Nielsen as she plans and promotes the 2007 Global Day of Prayer throughout Denmark.
PRAY that as Danish pastors, churches and born-again believers unite for the Global Day of Prayer it will lead to repentance and unprecedented spiritual revival in Denmark’s churches and in turn spread with blessing and healing to all the nations of Europe.
It is especially important in these troubled and dangerous times that God’s people come together in repentance and prayer for the glory of Christ and the healing of the nations. The formula for genuine revival has remained ever the same from Old Testament times to our present day: “If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).
PRAY that Danish believers, pastors and churches will gladly and enthusiastically unite with their counterparts worldwide in massive, passionate repentance and intercession on the Global Day of Prayer, Pentecost Sunday, May 27.
PRAY for Spirit-empowered vision, ability, and wisdom for volunteer coordinator Kirsten Nielsen as she plans and promotes the 2007 Global Day of Prayer throughout Denmark.
PRAY that as Danish pastors, churches and born-again believers unite for the Global Day of Prayer it will lead to repentance and unprecedented spiritual revival in Denmark’s churches and in turn spread with blessing and healing to all the nations of Europe.