Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Summer 2007 - Schedule of Selected Danish Conference/Camps/Bible Schools

Once again, denominational and revival movement conferences and Bible camps will be meeting throughout Denmark this summer under tents, at resorts, in school buildings, or even in the open air. The larger share of these conferences and camps will take place in July. A sampling of them appears below, though the list reflects only those of which we have thus far become aware. Such summer activities are important avenues for inter-church fellowship, for evangelistic contacts, and for believers' spiritual growth and development and training for ministries. Many of the conferences and camps include a full program and activities for children and young people.
Various weeks in July and August - Indre Missions Bibelcamping 2007 is a large and multifaceted camping program with 18 different camps for different ages at a number of locations throughout Denmark, including Bornholm, Fårevejle, Haderup, Hadsund, Hurup, Lystruphave, Myrhøj Pinsecamping, Mørkholt Strand Camping, Sdr. Felding Å Festival, Skovgårde Bibelcamping, Sundeved, Sæby, and Tullebølle. Indre Mission is the oldest of several revival/renewal movements in the Lutheran Folkekirke. The full schedule for Indre Mission’s extensive 2007 camping program may be viewed at

Various weeks in July – Luthersk Missionsforening (a Folkekirke revival movement) has scheduled youth, family, and children-juniors camps at two locations: Haderslev Næs in Mid-Jutlland, south of Kolding, and Virksund, near Skive in northern Jutland. Full schedules for both campsites may be found at (Haderslev Næs) and (Virksund).
July 2-8 - Oaselejr Sjællands Sommerlejr 2007, a regional family camp associated with Dansk Oase, meets the week prior to the national SommerOase 2007 (see below). This family camp will be held at Odsherreds Efterskole, in Fårevejle, northwest Sjælland. This theme selected for this year’s camp is “Noget om nåde” (Something about grace).
July 7-13 - The Apostolsk Sommerstævne 2007 of the Danish Apostolic Churches will again be held on the campus of the Internationale Apostolsk Højskole in Kolding, Jutland. The theme of this year's conference is "Autentisk kirke" (The authentic church).
July 14-20 - The Pinsekirkernes (Pentecostal Churches) SommerCamp 2007 will meet on the expansive campus of the churches' Højskole (High School and Bible School) in Mariager, 36 miles north of Århus. This year's theme is "Drevet af en passion" (Driven by a passion).
July 8-15 - Dansk Oase, a charismatic-oriented revival movement within the national Lutheran Folkekirke, will hold its SommerOase 2007 conference at Rudehøj Efterskole in Odder, Central Jutland. The conference theme is "Reformation." A number of Danish church leaders will be featured speakers together with several pastors and Christian workers from other countries.
July 8-15 - Nyt Liv (New Life), a revival movement within the Lutheran Folkekirke, has again scheduled its Familietræf 2007 family camp at Djurslands Efterskole, northweast of Århus..
July 22-28 – Baptisternes Missionsstævne 2007 (BaptistChurches’ 2007 Annual Conference) will once again take place at the Pinse Højskole in Mariager. This year's theme is "Nyt live I tro” (New Life in Faith).
July 21-27 - Det Danske Missionsforbund (Danish Mission Covenant Church) holds its multigenerational "Sommerkonference 2007) on the campus of the Internationale Apostolsk Højskole in Kolding (south Jutland). The theme of this year's conference is "Værktøj for livet: När tro bliver til livsstil" (Tools for the Life: grace belief gives birth to lifestyle").
July 23-29 - Vineyard Norden churches from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, and Finland will gather for a week of SommerCamp, this year at Liljehomen's School in Rimforsa, Sweden. The theme for the week is "Att vara en Jesu Fäjunge idag--vad betyder det?" (To Be a Disciple of Jesus today--what does that mean?" The visiting speakers will be Peter and Kathy Downs, national directors of Vineyard in Australia. A wide range of seminars will also be offered.
August 2-5 - The 8th Scandinavian Calvary Chapel Annual Summer Conference will take place at Sommerhjemmet , near Roskilde. Invited speakers are Pastors David Guzik of Calvary Chapel Bible College in Siegen, Germany, and Bob Pecoraro from the Calvary Chapel in Turku, Finland. Calvary Chapel ministry specializes in verse-by-verse biblical exposition and this year's conference study will focus on the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Ephesians.
August 5-12 – Den Dansk Metodistkirke (Danish Methodist Church) will hold its annual Sommerhøjskole at Solborgen ved Sejerbugten, near Holbæk (a short distance northwest of Copenhagen). The Sommerhøjskole theme is "Livsglæde og kristent fællesskab" (Christian fellowship/community and the joy of life).
There are evidences that God is truly working in Denmark. Let us join Him in His activity through our fervent intercession on behalf of these 2007 conferences, camps, and Bible schools. "Revive us, and we will call on Your name" (Psalm 80:18b, NIV).
PRAY that the Holy Spirit will use every leader and speaker mightily in each of these conferences, camps or Bible schools.
PRAY that every camper, of whatever age group, will come to these summer events expecting God to bless graciously and powerfully in meeting their individual needs. When they return to their families and congregations, may it be evident that "they have been with Jesus" (cf. Acts 4:13).
PRAY for the musicians as they lead the people in praise and worship. When it comes, revival will surely be borne along on the wings of Spirit-led praise and Spirit-empowered singing. No revival ever comes without God's people breaking out in songs of high praise and worship.
PRAY that every conference, camp, and Bible school will offer a fearless and dynamic presentation of the human need for salvation and a positive response by the unsaved to the Savior who has so graciously, through His once-for-all sacrifice at Calvary, made possible our salvation.
PRAY for a sense of ministry to pervade the actions and activities of the supporting staff at each of these conferences, camps, or Bible schools.
PRAY for God's protection from accidents and injuries and the possible intrusion of demonic influences at every summer campsite.
PRAY that as a result of these summer conferences God will give such a spirit of unity and love for each other that the various denominations and organizations will be able to deal effectively with whatever problems, antagonisms, dissensions and spirit of competitiveness there may be between themselves and other denominations, local churches, and church members.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Preparing for Danish Summer Camps and Conferences

Once again this year, the months of July and August will see the gathering of hundreds of Danish believers in summer camps and conferences sponsored by the various free church denominations and Folkekirke revival movements. This website will shortly begin to post the dates and places of the summer camps and conferences of which we have been made aware.

Because many of these camps usually bring together large numbers of people from all over the country, the spiritual implications are tremendous. Many of the free churches in Denmark are rather small. There is a dynamic and excitement often present in the singing and worship of large assemblies that is rarely experienced in smaller local churches. There is also an appreciation for fellowship in the larger Body of Christ that comes from worshiping together with fellow believers from throughout the country. Enduring friendships are often made at these summer events.

PRAY for the intense preparations going on now for the many July and August summer camps, including the final details for each camping event, the setting up of the camp grounds, the orientation and training of camp helpers, and the ministries of camp administrators, musicians, seminar leaders and speakers.

PRAY for God’s protective mercies as camp workers and campers travel by bus, train, and auto from the far corners of the country. Some of the speakers and seminar leaders will be coming from other countries. PRAY that campers at each of the scheduled camps will be spared serious injuries or illnesses.

PRAY that the power of God’s Holy Spirit will be felt in every camping event and that speakers will confidently proclaim the Word of God with His anointing in every teaching and preaching sessions.

PRAY for revival to break out in many of the camps with numbers coming to faith in Christ and every camper, whether child, youth or adult, strengthened and encouraged toward growth in their Christian life and walk.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Urgent Need in Burundi

As a matter of policy, Pray for does not generally become involved with matters of funding or fund raising and does not expect to do so often in the future if at all. However, Thomas Spanner of Baptistkirken i Danmark (Danish Baptist Union) has notified us of an urgent request pertaining to the African country of Burundi, where Danish Baptists began mission work in 1928. As the work grew, and because of the need for medical care for converts and families related to the indigenous churches as well as ministry to the general local population, the Danish Baptists early on financed and constructed a hospital at Musema in Burundi’s Kayanza Province. With the cooperation of local Burundis, the hospital was long administered and staffed by dedicated Scandinavian doctors and nurses, among them for some years my dear friends Dr. Torben and Rita Rouland., now retired in Viborg.

In 1989, the property and management of Musema Hospital was taken over by the Burundi Ministry of Health. The hospital was all but destroyed during the civil war years between 1993 and 2000. The World Bank provided financial support for its renovation between 2001 and 2003. As a temporary measure, Musema Hospital has been managed since early 2005 by Médicins Sans Frontiers (Doctors Without Borders) which has very recently ended its participation. The local population had great doubts that the Burundi government could or would maintain proper hospital standards. The Burundi Minister of Health has now asked the leaders of the Baptist Union of Burundi (UEBB) to assume the burden of management of Musema Hospital.

It is essential that this Hospital continue its medical services and caring ministry for the obvious reason it is one of only two hospitals in the entire Province of Kayanza, an area with a population of nearly 560,000. There are high costs involved in managing such a large hospital operation and the Burundi Baptist Union has limited resources. Danish Baptists have continued over the years to give generous support to missions endeavor in Burundi. In a cooperative effort on behalf of the Burundi Baptist Union, the Danish Baptist Union program coordinator Thomas Spanner has launched an urgent project and appeal to churches and Baptist organizations worldwide, as well as other entities, to consider lending support to the Burundi Baptist Union in its management of the Musema Hospital project. That support is expected to take the form of medical teams of volunteer doctors and nurses; financing for specific projects such as fences and security around the hospital; provision of a building to house a radiology unit; upkeep of paths and roads on the hospital grounds; and new surgery facilities and equipment. Also needed are funds for daily running expenses for a period of at least three years. The Burundi government has been asked to contribute support, though it is not all certain that such support will materialize. In the aftermath of the civil war, the nation’s resources are still decidedly inadequate and limited. The country is still in transition from civil war to peace and reconstruction.

Those concerned for this urgent need may contact Musema Hospital project coordinator Thomas Spanner, Secretary for International Missions, at Baptistkirken I Danmark, Lærdalsgade 7,, DK 2300 Copenhagen S. He may be reached via email at

PRAY that the urgent appeal for support of the Burundi Baptist Union’s management of Musema Hospital will result in widespread interest and generous response in the hospital’s ministry for Christ on the part of many individual donors, churches and other Christian organizations.

PRAY for wise leadership by Danish Baptist Union's cooperative program coordinator and Secretary for International MissionsThomas Spanner in concert with the Baptist Union of Burundi’s General Secretary Isaac Bimpenda as the needs of Musema Hospital are disseminated amongst concerned believers and churches throughout the world.

PRAY that the mercy ministries of Musema Hospital will be the means of introducing the Gospel of Christ to many unreached Burundis in Kayanza Province.