Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bedehus Danmark

“Mit hus skal kaldes et bedehus for alle folkeslagene” (Esaias 56, 7)
“My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations” (Isaiah 56:7, NIV)

Do Danish believers pray for the things that also concern this webpage? The answer is an immediate and straightforward affirmative. In fact, Bedehus (House of Prayer) is a strong and growing prayer movement throughout Denmark, one that has been strongly aided by the ministry of its website ( and its outreach to every corner of the nation.

The ministry of Bedehus Danmark is overseen by a Visionsgruppe (Vision Group) composed of Ruth Cilwik Andersen, Mariager; Kurt Christensen, Nexø; Bent Christiansen, Apostolsk Højskole, Kolding; Jürgen Galonska, Betania Kirkecenter, Blahøj; Peter Holmsgård; Åse Ellerbek Larsen; Lars Bo Olesen, Kristent Center, Herning; Inger Porsen, Aglow International, Danmark; and Claus Aagård, Græsted Frikirke. I know personally and appreciate greatly the life and testimony of three members of the Visionsgruppe.

Bedehus prayer groups are led by local coordinators. There are at least 43 scheduled prayer groups listed on the Bedehus website. They meet monthly and cross denominational lines, though at present the “full gospel” (Pinse, Apostolsk) and charismatic churches appear to be most in evidence. It is to be hoped that other free church denominations as well as many churches of the Folkekirke will ultimately align with this tremendous prayer effort. I believe that to reach the heart and soul of the Danish people, revival must come to the Danish State Church (Folkekirke).

When they meet, these groups always pray in general for all who are in high places (1 Tim. 2:1-2), for all the people, for believers, for their communities, for Israel and the nations, and for Bedehus Danmark itself. In addition, the Bedehus website posts various lists of specific prayer concerns to help guide the prayer groups in their ministry.

Even those who do not read Danish would be impressed by browsing the website to see the breadth of prayer concerns Bedehus has not only for Denmark but also for the work for Christ throughout the world.

The history of revivals demonstrates quite clearly that revival comes as God’s response to fervently praying believers. It does not begin in unbelievers but in the hearts and commitments of God’s own people. Without volumes of believing, intercessory prayer, revival will never come to Denmark. That’s why I strongly support such prayer movements as Bedehus Danmark. We call on our readers to back with our prayers those Danish believers who are faithfully storming the gates of heaven with believing prayer. May God bring genuine spiritual revival to Denmark. Jesus said, “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer” (Matthew 21:22).

PRAY that every member of every Bedehus prayer group will be able to pray, “Lord, send a revival, and let it begin in me!” Revival begins first of all in the hearts and lives of those most concerned for revival.

PRAY that God by His Holy Spirit would ignite the ministry of Bedehus prayer groups with great power and extravagant faith that like a spreading flame would in turn stir the hearts and lives of Danish believers, pastors and leaders all over the country.

PRAY for the calling out of local coordinators for the formation of many more Bedehus prayer groups in Denmark in areas in which they are still lacking, especially through expansion of Oase and other Danish Lutheran revival movements in Folkekirke parishes and churches.

PRAY that God will direct and empower the members of Bedehus’ Visionsgruppe as they prepare themes and materials for the use of the Bedehus prayer groups. This month’s prayer list was written by Åse Ellerbek Larsen with a focus on “Et kald til omvendelse” (“The call to Conversion”).

that God will indeed bring revival to His Church in Denmark and in its wake the coming to faith of many thousands of unbelieving Danes.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

YWAM Establishes a New Base in Svendborg

The older Youth with a Mission (Ungdom med Opgave) base in Denmark is at Sjellebro in Jutland. Recently, Mirjam and Frank Lauridsen have established a new base in Svendborg on the southern coast of the island of Fyn (Funen). The Lauridsens are well-prepared for this undertaking having worked in YWAM for many years with campaigns and ministry in Australia, New Zealand, and Denmark. The new base is called Elleruphus (Mercy House) and shares buildings with a Christian rehab center the Lauridsens started last year.

Elleruphus is a social work ministry whose purpose is to help people with various needs, including abusers of drugs, alcohol, gambling, et cetera, as well as single women and teens dealing with various sorts of social problems. The thrust of this ministry is reaching out to these needy people with the gospel of Christ.

Last August, the base started its first school, called NETS (Neighborhood Center, Evangelism, Training and Small groups). Mirjam has responsibility for this school and has the assistance of a new staff member, Trine. The nine-month school began with a twelve-week teaching program incorporating many essential leadership principles in evangelism and church planting, and then has shifted to a practical outreach in Svendborg for a six-month period. Specific neighborhoods of the city are targeted with the gospel message shared through one on one evangelism, and acts of mercy with the intent of helping to establish Elleruphus where those coming to faith in Christ can be discipled. NETS will have the help of believers from Svendborg’s churches in this outreach ministry. Enrollment is small, but this may be of strategic importance in launching the new ministry as it will give greater opportunities for one on one mentoring. As a second level YWAM school, NETS students must have completed a DTS before beginning the program.

YWAM’s recruiting outreach is largely based on its unique system of Discipleship Training Schools (commonly referred to as DTS) found in YWAM bases worldwide. The Sjellebro base has had a number of such schools in past years and will continue to schedule them. The new Svendborg base has also begun its first DTS, which in fact began on Sunday, January 27. The teaching phase is of three-months duration and will be followed by practical experience in a two-month mission in another country. The passion of this DTS is “to know God and make Him known. We want to see people be transformed and equipped to live a 24/7 life for God, and get the tools to start new initiatives in their own local areas when they go home, that reaches out and meets people where they are.”

There are nearly 18,000 YWAM workers worldwide who are engaged in numerous forms of mercy evangelism and church planting efforts. Many of these workers are young people thrust into difficult ministry situations and often under-supported. For further information about YWAM work in Denmark, browse the website at

PRAY that the Lord will give Frank and Mirjam great wisdom and ability in their administration and spiritual leadership of the Svendborg base and its various outreach efforts.

PRAY that the Lord will keep them focused on the Father’s will and direction, and themselves and their children in good health and strength for an arduous ministry.

PRAY that Satan will be prevented from sowing discord and creating interpersonal conflicts among staff and students that would interfere with a positive, life-changing spiritual impact on each NETS and DTS student.

PRAISE the Lord for new staff member Trine and for the fellowship and assistance of believers from the churches in Svendborg in launching this new venture.

PRAY that NETS and DTS students whom God has led to the Svendborg base will profit intellectually and spiritually from the learning and mentoring opportunities given them.

PRAY that God will provide for the material needs of the Lauridsens and Trine and for operating funds for these faith-based ministries through the support of His people in Denmark and in other countries

PRAY for the new challenges for Ungdom med Opgave that must be faced with the integration of the efforts of the Sjellebro and Svendborg bases through their communication, joint planning, leadership, and programs.