After quietly toiling in Africa for most of his adult life as a
Bible translator, Iver Larsen wasn’t looking for recognition. But though he
doesn’t consider himself a theologian, he was recently named “Theologian of the
Year” by the Menihedsfakultet at the Lutheran School of Theology in Aarhus.

He’s perhaps better known for his work translating the
Bible into everyday Danish, producing the hugely popular Bibelen på
Hverdagsdansk, or Bible in Everyday Danish. Originally published in 2007, it’s
now available to read online, as well.
According to Jørgen Jørgensen from the School of Theology,
Larsen is someone who has lived “a quiet, inconspicuous life, but who is an
expert in his field.” His work, he added, “is theology at its best: a tool to
unlock God’s wisdom, one that makes it accessible for ordinary people.”
Today you'll find Bibelen på Hverdagsdansk in churches all across
Denmark, and Larsen’s faithfulness has made it possible for new generations of Danes to
understand and learn from God’s Word. And although he retired last year, he’s
still keeping up with translation projects in Kenya by way of Skype and email,
mentoring workers and passing along his decades of experience.
THANK GOD for the quiet but influential work of Iver Larsen, and for his continued influence on Bible translation efforts.
PRAY that God would continue to reach new generations in Denmark with his truth through this modern Danish translation.
PRAY ALSO that Danes of all ages who don’t yet follow Christ would encounter Bibelen på Hverdagsdansk… even in the most unexpected of places.