Monday, January 16, 2017

Still on the street in 2017

Two years ago this month, we wrote about an exciting cross-denominational movement in the capital of Copenhagen called Gadekirken, or the “Street Church.” Led by Bo and Mona Henriksen, the movement still sends out teams to pray with and for anyone they meet, for both physical and spiritual needs.

Now they’re eager to expand the vision, but there’s an obstacle.

“Our dream is to take on new parts of the city,” they write, “but we lack co-workers.”

It’s a common challenge among Christian ministries. About 30 believers are currently involved in Gadekirken, from free churches and state churches. That’s remarkable in itself. Still, Bo and Mona hope for even more to join the movement, and that those volunteers will recognize God’s power in their lives.

“May 2017 be the year where God has even more space and latitude to work through us,” they say, “where we persistently hold fast to his promises about the authority of the believers.”

At the same time, Bo and Mona remain clear on what they’re all about:

“We’re passionate about reaching out to even more Danes to tell them about the cross. The mission isn’t to manipulate people to believe, but that they clearly understand they’re sinners.

“We’re completely absorbed in God’s will, which is for ‘all people to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth.’ ” (1 Tim. 2:4)

PRAY for Bo and Mona in the coming year, that God would continue to give them a passion and vision for reaching Denmark with the gospel of Christ.

PRAY for Gadekirken’s cross-denominational teams, that the unity they experience would serve as an example for the churches they represent.

PRAY for relief and protection as the teams venture out and seek opportunities to pray and share.

PRAY for more workers, starting in the central city, to the outskirts, and beyond.

Saturday, January 07, 2017

What's that Voice?

A new voice in the Danish church is spreading the word on Facebook, YouTube, and online. It’s beginning to spur the Danish church to wake up and get serious about spreading the Gospel. And it’s called “RedningensRøst,” or “Salvation’s Voice.”

The Voice recently came out with a series of interviews, asking Danish church leaders what they think is the Danish church’s greatest strengths -- and greatest weaknesses.  What do young Danish Christians need to know?

One prominent young church planter, Jesper Jeppesen, gave an optimistic perspective: “I think there’s starting to be more fire in the (Danish) church than we’ve seen in a number of years,” he told the Voice. “The upcoming generation really just has a heart for Jesus, and they want to see a change. I think one of our greatest strengths is that they don’t accept the status quo, and that they really do want to see God’s kingdom. They’re willing to pay the price.”

That’s a jumping-off point for Redningens Røst, with street interviews, arguments for creation, lively challenges, and more. Its four young founders aren’t afraid to tackle apologetics, postmodernism, or tough questions -- all from a vibrant, outgoing Christian perspective. Their passion is not only to give voice to the truth of Jesus, but to encourage and show others how to live out and share their faith, as well.

It’s the kind of witness that will no doubt shake things up… and that’s a good thing.

PRAY for Redningens Røst: David, Philip, Simon, and Nikolai. Ask God to give them continued courage, wisdom, and insight as they challenge the Danish church to come alive.

PRAY that God’s Spirit would work through the videos and online, not only to encourage believers, but to draw more people into the Kingdom of God.

PRAY for continued creativity and effectiveness in new Voice videos.

PRAY that God would use this cutting-edge ministry to help bring revival and awakening in Denmark.