Take a look at worshiptoday.dk and imagine you’re a small-town Danish volunteer worship leader, low on resources but full of God-breathed desire to glorify the Lord and share worship with your congregation.

Benjamin Hougaard, music leader for Denmark’s Indre Mission renewal ministry, unveiled the site last month. He envisions it as a support and time-saver for worship leaders across Denmark.
To be sure, the little country has always enjoyed a strong heritage of hymns and Christian music (Danes love to sing!), but this is an another encouraging step in a new direction.
PRAISE God for this new way of sharing some of the best worship music in Denmark.
PRAY for busy worship leaders in Denmark, especially for those in young and struggling fellowships where support and encouragement is needed.
PRAY for the growth of worshiptoday.dk, that many more God-honoring songs would be added and made available to churches across the country.
PRAY for revival across Denmark, that God would touch hearts through all kinds of music, and that the focus would be on Jesus—lifted up in new songs.