Saturday, January 06, 2018

They're facing the tough questions

How can a loving God allow suffering? Isn’t it intolerant to claim that Jesus is the only way to salvation? Why should your faith be more true than mine?

Since many Danes continue to ask those questions (and more!), Dr. Kurt Christensen and his team of theology students at the Center for Kristen Apologetik (Christian Apologetics) are prepared with reasoned, well-thought arguments from Scripture.


Through lectures, debates, and a strong web presence, they’re not afraid to face the typical questions, head-on. And they’ll engage with anyone who will listen—from students and professors in the Aarhus university environment, to people all over the country.  

The Center is part of the Lutheran School of Theology in Aarhus, an evangelical alternative university dedicated to the truth of Scripture and “classical Christian faith” as outlined in the historic church creeds and (more recently) in the Lausanne Covenant.

Dr. Kurt Christensen
Their continuing goal this year is to offer reasons to believe, introduce a faith that can be trusted, and offer a platform for serious discussions on Christian faith and worldview. They need our prayers. 

PRAY for Kurt Christensen in his leadership role, that he would be encouraged this year to pursue their mission with renewed optimism and faith. 

PRAY for Dr. Christensen’s young staff, Emil and Kristoffer, that they would find new ways to communicate the truth of Scripture in a skeptical society.

PRAY that God would bring in the funds needed to keep the self-sustaining center operating in the coming year.

PRAY that many would be shown the truth, that hearts would be softened, and that students and professors in Aarhus would come to know and follow the truth—Jesus himself.