Sunday, March 24, 2019

An open door (and a meal)

A couple of years ago we prayed for believers in the Amagerbro Frikirke (free church), a growing fellowship in Copenhagen that’s relentlessly focused on reaching out to their community in the name of Jesus.

Now it’s time to pray again, as they gear up for an important five-week outreach every Tuesday evening in April, called “Something About the Christian Faith.”

With open discussions, presentations, and good food, the Amagerbro believers hope to attract local seekers in a gentle, non-threatening environment. It’s for the curious and the undecided. For people who doubt. And perhaps for those looking for an evening snack.

The event builds on the success of last year’s outreach, and it’s a typical approach for this fellowship. In addition to regular Sunday morning services, they hold once-a-month services specifically for seekers—an easier, less formal entry point to the church. They also organize informal Tuesday evening drop-in services, called “Open Church,” to attract those who might otherwise avoid a Sunday gathering.

In a country where nominal, cultural, twice-a-year Christianity has been a part of their heritage for generations, this opportunity to take a fresh look at true faith is critical.

PRAY for those organizing and leading the five-week special outreach, for their leadership, wisdom, and health.

PRAY that God would prepare the hearts of everyone who should attend, that they would hear of the outreach, and that God would draw them to come.

PRAY that new relationships would flourish each evening. And most of all…

PRAY that those who attend with questions will meet and come to follow Jesus as a result.