Sunday, February 12, 2023

A new day for Oase

Pray for the new general secretary of the “Dansk Oase” movement, Keld Dahlmann. He comes to the critical leadership position after serving as a pastor in Aarhus since 2002.

In his new role, Dahlmann oversees a country-wide network of some 21 churches, including many of the larger churches in the country. (Dahlmann’s church in Aarhus, for example, has around 800 members—which is quite large for a Danish church.) Churches in the movement, while still retaining their Lutheran identity, also enjoy a bit more autonomy than mainline Lutheran fellowships, and typically take an evangelical perspective. 

Oase churches are also the source of some of the most dynamic praise music artists in the country. And the movement maintains a strong emphasis on youth outreach. And these churches also participate in a large yearly family camp called “SommerOase,” featuring praise concerts, seminars, and activities for all ages. It’s a highlight of the year. 

Dahlmann brings not only his experience as a preaching and lead pastor, but also a passion for international outreach and ministry. The result is what he calls a more “welcoming culture” for those normally outside the church.

“We’re never done,” he told his church in a recent blog. “And that’s fantastic. I have my time, where I contribute something, and there was someone here before me, and someone follows me. That’s the nature of God’s kingdom—we never finish.”

PRAY for Keld Dahlmann, that he would be inspired to lead the Dansk Oase movement church network in God’s direction. 

PRAY for the Dansk Oase movement, with churches scatted all over the country. Pray for God-honoring growth in each of the 21 churches, and that many would be saved and discipled.

PRAY for God’s protection of the movement, and for wisdom in its leadership. Pray that they would keep God’s priorities amidst all the world’s craziness. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good massage my brother in the Lord.