Monday, August 19, 2024

Let's visit the living room!

Here’s a new and typically Danish approach to supporting young families: A “play living room” in the Danish city of Rønde, where stressed-out parents are invited to bring their young children for a relaxing afternoon of songs, play, and Bible stories. 

It’s the brainchild of Cecilia Tjørnemark and her mother Anette—both of them active believers who want to serve local kids and their families. It’s intended for babies and toddlers up to four years old, and is scheduled for every Wednesday afternoon. 

Mother and daughter have launched into this outreach with the full support of their local Inner Mission and the DFS—Denmark’s Folkekirkelige Søndagsskoler—the Sunday school arm of their local Lutheran church. A representative from the DFS even helped them launch the first several gatherings, with tips and training. 

The Danish difference in this case is that parents don’t drop their kids off, but are encouraged to join right in! It’s a ministry to the entire family, and not a daycare.

“Children are a good entry point to also get in touch with the parents,” said Cecilia Tjørnemark. “Because children tell and ask their parents about what they’ve heard. People want to sing with their children, and here we have a good opportunity to help them. But primarily we’re addressing the children, and we hope they’ll learn that God loves them.”

Rønde, in an area of central Denmark called the Djursland peninsula, has a population of about 3,300. Since the opening of the outreach, word has spread—but there’s always room for more.

“Djursland is a bit of a dead area,” said Cecilia, “so we have a great desire for more people to come to faith here.”

PRAY for the outreach of Cecilia and Anette—that many families would drop by.

PRAY that mother and daughter would be encouraged in their weekly outreach.

PRAY that young families and their children would come to faith in Christ through the ministry.

THANK the LORD for faithful believers like Cecilia and Anette.